Here were a few things I came across Earth Day related that I thought I would pass on in case anyone out there in cyberspace was interested.
There was an article in The Denver Post this past Saturday on household items you could use to celebrate for Earth Day all year long. A few of them listed were: Post-its made in part from recycled paper available at select Target stores or online at; The P3 International P4400, and really with a name like that, does it even matter what it does? Actually it is an electricity usage monitor that allows you to find out which appliances are using the most energy; UGlu adhesive strips, which are chemical-free, acid-free, odorless and waterproof glue strips supposedly powerful enough to hang artwork or hold down carpeting.
Sunset also listed a few ways to eco-nomize for Earth Day all year long:
- Compost and recycle
- Forgo disposables
- Line-dry your laundry when possible
- Garden wisely by choosing low-water or native plants
- Turn your wood-burning fireplace into a décor statement
- Support green businesses
- Replace incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorescent lightbulbs (I also saw where Home Depot now recycles CFLs)
- Install an Energy Star-related programmable thermostat
- Clean or replace furnace and a/c filters
- Caulk and seal walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, and ductwork
- Host a solar party: get the information with friends over wine & cheese. I also think a “green” party would be a cute idea where all your party favors, table settings, and invites would be the color green (using recycled materials of course). It could be a potluck where every one has to bring a dish made from home-grown or local grown ingredients, perhaps every one has to wear green too and bring one green idea. The one with the best green idea wins a green prize. I don't know, could be fun?
If interested, you can visit the Earth Day Network site for a listing of Earth Day events by location and date.

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