It all began in the Middle Ages with an annual Festival of Roses to honor St. George, Patron Saint of Catalonia, who as a brave Roman soldier allegedly slew a dragon about to devour a beautiful young princess. Accordingly, a rosebush sprouted from the blood of the dragon and the soldier plucked its most perfect blossoms to give to the princess as a remembrance. In 1923, the Rose Festival merged with International Book Day, established to celebrate the lives of Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare, both of whom died on April 23rd in 1616. Now, bookstalls and flower stands sprout up along the Rambla, a two-mile stretch connecting the city with the Mediterranean Sea. Thousands of Barcelonans crowd the streets to enjoy a festive atmosphere of readings, music, literature, and dance.
The An Open Book in Greeley CO, will be celebrating the day with a 20% off one book discount (if newsletter subscriber) and complimentary flowers.
I will be heading out shortly to the Highlands Ranch Tattered Cover Book Store where they too are celebrating with a 20% discount (if newsletter subscriber) and giving away complimentary roses and commemorative bookmarks with the purchase of a book. I haven’t decided what book yet, I am making my way through both the Fables and Hellboy graphic novel series, so those are strong contenders; however, I have been kind of missing Harry the Wizard from Dresden Files. On the other hand, I feel in need of some inspiration and nothing inspires me more than Gorey, perhaps the The Twelve Terrors of Christmas? Decisions, decisions.
Happy Book and Lover's Day!

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