Top Shelf (i.e., my favorites):
- Klementium Library, Prague, Czech Republic
- Biblioteca do Palacio e Convento de Mafra I, Lisbon Coast, Portugal (I bet this one was fun to fit on a library card)
- Austrian National Library, Vienna Austria
- Library of the National Palace of Mafra, Portugal
- Real Gabinete Portugues De Leitura Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- Biblioteca Geral University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
- George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland
Also loving because of the staircase:
- Handelingenkamer Tweede Kamer Der Staten-Generaal Den Haag, the Hague, Netherlands (another one that would take both sides of the card)
- Real Gabinete Portugues De Leitura Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
An accident waiting to happen:
- Joanina LIbrary University of Coimbra, Portugal
How am I getting the books on the upper levels?
- Biblioteca Angelica, Rome, Italy
- Riksdagen Library, Swedish Parliament Library, Stockholm, Sweden
Book dress code?
- Bad Schussenried Bibliothekssaal, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Appropriately named:
- Trinity College LIbrary, AKA, The Long Room, Dublin, Ireland
Libraries that would make me dizzy:
- Abbey Library St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Library of the Benedictine Monastery of Admont, Austria
- Melk Monastery Library, Melk, Austria
- Sansovino Library, Rome, Italy
- Vatican Library, Vatican City, Rome
- Waldsassen Abbey Library, Bavaria, Germany
- Wiblingen Monestary Library, Ulm, Germany
1 comment:
I'm sorry but I'm afraid a Martin Sister Library Tour is in order.
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