Monday, October 26, 2009

Hiking in the Mountains

A couple of weekends ago my husband and I took a late anniversary trip up to the folks and hiked down to the river. I am taking a photography class through CreativeTechs so I ventured out of the Auto mode for these shots (side note: if you are not familiar with CreativeTechs please check them out as they offer a lot of great online courses, and trust me, you can't beat the price). I took way more photos than I thought thus I will post them through out the week versus inundated my Mom with them all at once, since she is probably the only one looking at them.

Start of the trail headTrail Head
Reflection of tree in waterTree Reflection
Mighty HikerMighty Hiker
Trying to be artisticTwigs
These next 3 are a series of rushing water pictures where I started out with a fast shutter speed to stop the action of the water and then steadily increased the shutter speed to blur or get a cloud effect with the water.

Fast shutter speed (or as fast as a point and shoot can do)
Stop Motion Water
Medium shutter speedMedium Motion Water
Slow shutter speedBlurred Water
Playing with Photoshop to the dismay of my sister (Photoshop Guru)Colored Water
Mountain scene driving back homeMountains

Will post more tomorrow.


Pamela McCarville said...

Loving the reflection picture. And I even like the green and purple water one. Really need to get to your house and play with those PS settings.

Just kidding.

Icats Nitram said...

Well when you see the rest of my Photoshop playing, you may change your mind about changing those settings