Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gretel's 2nd Weekend

This weekend her Granddad and Grandma drove two hours down from the mountains to see their new grandkitty with a bounty of kitty toys. Spoiled? Why on earth would you think that?

I love playing with my new ball because it make jingling noises. It will be even more fun to play with at night while my Mommy and Daddy are trying to sleep.

Gretel Playing with Ball

But what I really like playing with is my CASTLE!!! Yes that is right, my Granddad and Grandma brought me a castle. Shouldn't all kitties have their own castle?

Gretel Castle 1
Gretel Castle 2
Gretel Castle 3

Here is the sack that my new toys came in.

Gretel in Sack

Here is my Grandma scolding my Mommy for saying that I can be a naughty kitty, because of course I am not, I am a perfect little angel.

Gretel and Grandma

Thank you Granddad for the meal-time lap, I think that is a great idea!

Gretel and Granddad
I had so much fun with my Grandparents visit, I hope they will come visit me again sometime soon.
Gretel and Grandparents

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