We had an absolute blast and now it is time to bore you with my vacation photos. I know, I know, they don't hold a candle to kitty pictures, but if you will oblige...
We are always on the look out for Ravens for our Wednesday Edible Raven Post. Also, we come from an avid family of golfers, so was this kismet or what?

It took us 2 hours to reach the small mountain town of Dillon, and I think you know the only thing we had in mind...
Ah, that really hit the spot.

We come from a long line of cemetery walkers on my Mom's side. Can still remember picnicking on the the stones with Grannie and my Great Aunt Helen. Several years ago, my sister, Mom & I can remember going to a cemetery that was basically went up the side of a mountain and the stones were weaved between the lodge-pole pines. It didn't have many older graves, and quite a few were of young folks that had past on in the early 1970's. We could have sworn that was the Dillon Cemetery, but as soon as my sister and I turned down the road we knew it wasn't the one we were remembering. So now we have a little mystery on where on earth was that cemetery on the mountain side? Meanwhile though, we did take a gander through Dillon's. It too does not have many older graves, but can definitely tell it was a pioneer cemetery with its layout. They did have some unique markers.

And yes, that is an alien head.
We then went on to Breckenridge. We had some time to kill before we could check into our condo, so how about some more coffee? You bet! And as you can see, the Kava Coffee Shop Baristas are a bit more flamboyant than the one you will find at Amazing Origins at Isis, Tues-Thurs.

After we checked in and nourished ourselves, we went for an evening walk to the Breckenridge Art District. We passed this motorcycle on the way.

Here is who rides in the side car.

I am closing DAY 1 OF SISTER VACAY with a few sculptures we stumbled upon in the Art District. The creative juices were starting to boil...

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