Friday, August 28, 2009

Black Orchid Written by Neil Gaiman; Art by Dave McKean

Black OrchidThe artwork and the fact it was written by one of my favorite writers, Neil Gaiman, is what drew me to Black Orchid. I read the description:

After being viciously murdered, Susan is reborn fully grown as the Black Orchid, a hybrid of plant and human, in order to avenge her own death. Now as this demigoddess attempts to reconcile her human memories and botanical origins, she must also untangle the webs of deception and secrets that led to her murder.

Okay, I was hooked and the Black Orchid came home with me. I finished it over two weeks ago, but struggled with how to summarize it. The story is rich, dark and surreal, almost like you are floating through a poem. Though imagine my surprise during that poetic journey when I turned a page to stumble upon the cape crusader, Batman. Never saw that coming. I think fans of The Sandman and MirrorMask would enjoy the Black Orchid’s story and the psychedelic images of Dave McKean.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Weekly Kitty Fix

Perhaps one day when I can get a camera with a faster shutter speed, I will be able to get other pictures of them besides sleeping...or the ones with the blurred streak going across them.

Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hellboy 8: Darkness Calls by Mike Mignola

In volume 8, Hellboy: Darkness Calls, Hellboy is still on sabbatical, but that means anything but rest for our red dehorned hero. Hecate, the queen of the witches, is presumed destroyed and now they need a new leader. They offer to make Hellboy, King of the Witches, but for those who are familiar with Hellboy, we know what he told them they could do with that offer. Which just a piece of advice, not wise to turn down such job offers from witches.

Hellboy’s rejection hurls him into the world of his old nemesis, Baba Yaga, who is still seeking an eye for an eye revenge against Hellboy. Even though they are now on her battlegrounds, Hellboy still finds a few alliances, but Baba Yaga is willing to conjure up whatever it takes to get her revenge. Meanwhile, the witches embark on bringing back an ancient entity that most likely will destroy the world.

Unlike the last couple of volumes that consisted of several short stories, Darkness Calls is just one action packed tale filled with folklore, mythology, theology, and demonology.

I don’t think I can sum it up better than Jane Yolen in the introduction: “It is a deeply human story for all its monsters.”

I can hardly wait to start reading volume 9, oh wait, there is no volume 9 :(.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Freekibble on Twitter

Freekibble is now on Twitter and for every 1,000 people following Freekibble on Twitter, Freekibble and Halo, Purely for Pets will donate an additional 1,000 meals to homeless shelter dogs and cats. Help spread the word for our four-legged furry friends.
Follow Freekibble on Twitter

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Weekly Kitty Fix

Sleeping Beauties
Fairy "Tail" Kittens
Hansel & Gretel

Gretel Sleeping Photo 1
Gretel Sleeping Photo2
Gretel Sleeping Photo 3
Gretel Sleeping Photo 4
Gretel Sleeping Photo 5
Hansel Sleeping Photo 1
Hansel Sleeping Photo 2
Hansel Sleeping Photo 3
Hansel Sleeping Photo 4
Hansel Sleeping Photo 5
Hansel and Gretel
Kitties in a basket

Storybook Kittens

Friday, August 7, 2009

Fables Volume 8: Wolves by Bill Willingham

Spoiler alert for those who haven’t read the previous volumes of Bill Willingham’s Fables series.

Fables: WolvesFables Volume 8: Wolves continues with Mowgli’s search for Bigby and we find out what Prince Charming has in store for the wolf once Mowgli finds him. Meanwhile, Snow is trying to control her changeling children and their Grandfather, the North wind, decides it is time to blow from the farm. Not a lot of side storied in this book, mainly just follows Mowgli’s search for Bigby and the mission they need to wolf to accomplish. There is an additional bonus story at the end of Cinderella undercover antics, which includes playing an ear doctor to a giant and changing into a mouse.