Last Friday was my birthday and I caught a cold. Not a very nice present if you ask me. My sister did say though she would refrain from making comments about the body falling apart as one gets old. Not officially celebrating the milestone until later this month when the family can get together, thus I don't feel I need to officially count it until that date. The celebration of course will include me eating a massive amounts of birthday frosting with a little side of cake. It is my birthday, so I get the corner pieces, right?
Here are a few photos I took in my office for prosperity sake of sweet birthday wishes to chase away my aging blues...and running nose.
The flowers and teddy are from the hubby and the cards from family.

Yes, the bat one is from my sister.

The rest of the photos are me playing with my camera in other settings besides "auto", trying to prove you can teach an old dog, or in this case should I say old Icats, new tricks.

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