Well, it actually started more out like a Grimm’s fairy
"tail", but I am foreseeing a happy ending (I hope).
Here is the back-story on this
“tail.” On the day we lost our beloved Trixi, I saw a red tabby in the neighbor’s driveway, which struck me odd because I had never seen this cat before, in fact, we never see cats roaming loose in our neighborhood. Then the following day my husband was out doing yard work, turned around and there was the same cat standing in front of him. They stared at each other for a few moments then the cat turned and wandered off. We have never seen it since.
My husband took that as a sign that our next cat should be a red tabby. I have had cats through out my life, but never a red tabby or a male. Of course being blessed with a calico for the last 19 years, I grew very partial to that particular short-hair domestic. That is why when we went to the Buddy Center last April (just to look) and happened upon a little calico kitten, it only took a second for her to wrap us around her little 2 month-old paw and we were hers.
However, my husband was still convinced the red tabby was a sign and after all, since our little calico was named Gretel, she needed a Hansel. Unfortunately, I am not sure Gretel got the word. After being an only kitty for 2 months and the center of our universe, I really think she felt that Gretel could be a solo cat act.
Needless to say, things were quite chaotic with Hansel’s homecoming from the Buddy Center. At first it was the cat fights followed by one dejected little calico that was no longer getting all the attention because of the new little red rat. Oh, and let me tell you, a dejected calico can totally break your heart.
To try to make this long
“tail” a little shorter, we now seem to co-exist a little better. Hansel LOVES his big sister and has to go and do everything she does. Gretel still not so much on the new brother, but I am hoping she will eventually forgive us. Mom here is run ragged now trying to appease two kittens vs. one.
Any hoo, I guess he is off probation and a keeper, so here is Hansel....and Gretel.